Welcome! I began this blog as a place to share my journey as a worship leader. I have seen God work in amazing ways in my life and this is where I share my experience and my thoughts. Thanks for following along! - Kurt • Eph 2:8


August 9, 2014

I think that "humility" will be an ongoing theme on this blog. I am just a few posts in and I really want to be sure that I am coming from a place of true humility and with a teachable spirit.

So, let me say that what I write here is probably not going to be 100% accurate. That is just about impossible. My primary focus is to share honestly my journey and perspective. This is not an excuse so that I can write carelessly. I have been working hard to make sure that my facts are straight and that my heart is right. I just feel like I need to add somewhat of a disclaimer.

I always want to be teachable. And to be teachable requires a recognition that I don't know everything. In fact, the more I learn the more I realize how little I know. And the higher I am placed in leadership, the more teachable, humble I need to be.

"Pride leads to disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom." -Proverbs 11:2

Front Lines 

Front Lines
August 6th, 2014

"After consulting the people, Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing to the  Lord and to praise him for the splendor of his  holiness as they went out at the head of the army, saying: “Give thanks to the Lord, for his love endures forever.”  As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated." 2 Chronicles 20:21-22

My uncle Tom reminded me of this passage when I shared my first post on this blog. King Jehosaphat appointed singers, worship leaders, to go out ahead of the army before the battle. That is the kind of boldness we can have when God is on our side (read: when we're on God's side). They went ahead and praised God for their victory before they had even begun. And "as they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men... who were invading Judah, and they were defeated" - I love it!

"Spiritual warfare" is a term we often toss around in our bible studies and Christian pow-wows. But, I can say that there really is a war waging that we cannot see. And I can tell you right now that lately I have been in the midst of a battle, myself. Ever since beginning this blog, actually, I have been under attack.

Doubt came rushing in when I began writing. "What are you doing?", "Who do you think you are?", and "You're wasting your time!" are just a few of many thoughts I have had while working on this blog. And I almost gave in. I almost quit. I had to take a step back and recognize what was happening in the spiritual world.

It is important to remember that there is an enemy. Satan is shooting his arrows. And his attempts to derail us increase when we try to take back ground that he has acquired.

I imagine that Satan is quite jealous of worship leaders, since he was "fired" from that job. There is a big target on my heart when I claim to be a worship leader. The more I think about this huge responsibility and privilege, the more I fear (revere) God for giving me the opportunity to be a worship leader.

I hope you will remember to pray for me and other worship leaders. Pray that we do not take lightly the responsibility we have to remain humble yet boldly lead people to a place where they can encounter God. Pray that we will go boldly forward, singing praise and declaring victory even before the battles begin.

How Deep The Father's Love 

How Deep The Father's Love
August 4th, 2014

One of my absolute favorite songs of all time is "How Deep the Father's Love" by Stuart Townend. It is a hymn, but it was written in just the last 25 years. God has spoken to me through the lyrics at several different times in my life. This song has such power.

This, I believe, is because the message is centered around the gospel. And one beauty of the gospel is that it is just as relevant today as it was a hundred years ago or a thousand years ago.

I recorded this simple version of the song in GarageBand a few years ago just because I like it. The lyrics take me to the heart of God. Thinking about the depth of love it takes to give up your only son so that you could redeem a people who won't and can't appreciate it absolutely blows me away. I wouldn't trade my son Judah for anyone or anything. And death on a cross? No way!

And I have only scratched the surface.

The truth of God's love is what I desire people to experience through worship. I hope that I am always pointing to Jesus. His love for us is so good. It is something to sing about, always.

"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!" - 1 John 3:1

What is a Worship Leader? 

What is a Worship Leader?
July 31, 2014

In Christian circles (bubbles) it is easy to lose sight of the fact that some people have no freaking clue what we are talking about because we use these "Christianese" terms.

So, let me see if I can explain what I mean when I say I'm a "worship leader".

The short answer is this: "Using my musical and leadership talents to encourage people to engage their hearts in Christ-worship and to experience God's love in a life-changing way". At least, that's what I might say if we ever ran into each other at one of those Christian conferences.

But there is so much more.

A true worship leader is one whose entire LIFE brings glory to God. The truth is, every single person on the planet is a worshiper. We all spend our days worshiping something or someone. Think about that. What do you spend your time doing? Who do you serve? What are you always thinking about? What can you not stop talking about? Whether it's money, or technology, or God, or sex, or your kids, or your boyfriend, or your work, or school... you are "worshiping".

I believe that the worship that happens on the platforms of our churches should be an overflow of the worship that happens in day-to-day life. In other words, worship leaders without a private and ongoing prayer life... are kinda... fakin' it. I know, I know, that is quite a statement. And I am not saying that I have this down. I'll be the first to admit that I have failed horribly at this. Many times. I am the biggest hypocrite of all hypocrites. But, I am working on it. With God. And I think that is the difference.

Our foundation cannot be the music, or our ability to lead, or our charisma. Our foundation is not within ourselves. It is in Christ alone.

My desire is to be authentic in my worship. To lead from a pure heart. And purity can only come from the one who is perfectly pure. I want to be a man so drenched in God's presence that when I get in front of people, they don't even see me, only Jesus.

So, worship leaders, are you filled with God? Does your LIFE lead people in worship? When people encounter you do they see God? Or do they just see your pretty clothes? Or do they just hear your pretty voice?

I hope that I am not just learning all the right Christianese terms, but really learning the language of heaven by meeting with my heavenly Father every day.

I hope that I am becoming more like Jesus, and less like my old self.

I hope that I am becoming more of a worship leader off the stage than on the stage.

What do you think? What does it mean to be a worship leader?

Kurt Scobie - Worship Leader 

Kurt Scobie - Worship Leader
July 29, 2014

I know... another blog. One more thing for me to try and keep up with. But, I wanted to create a space to share my journey as a worship leader.

I have had more and more opportunities to use my gifts for the Kingdom over the past few years. I am not sure where God is taking me next, but I am excited about the possibilities and I plan to share my experiences and thoughts with you here.

My goal is not to alienate anyone. If you don't understand me or just simply don't agree, that's cool. We can still be friends. But, please understand that the Word of God (the Bible) is offensive in nature, so I'm probably going to piss some people off. If you have any questions for me, I hope you'll ask in the comments.

Ultimately, my goal is simply to share my journey. Hopefully you find something that is helpful to you at some point along the way. Most importantly, I hope that you will discover for yourself the loving God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit -that I have come to trust and follow and love.

"For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved." John 3:17 NKJV

Worship album from Victory World Music and Montell Jordan (feat. Kurt Scobie)!