"The Wake" (Single) - Kurt Scobie [Original]

My new tune "The Wake" hit iTunes today! I am very excited about this release and for what is to come. I wrote this song as I was thinking about the issue of human trafficking and those enslaved in the sex-trade industry. There are some heartbreaking stories and statistics out there and I wanted to send a message to these victims that there is HOPE. That they are not alone. I believe that there is a rescuer for each one of us no matter what we are a prisoner to. This song is about getting free from everything that is holding us down.

I hope you enjoy this special song. This video is from my release show which was also a benefit for As Our Own. The funds raised from this show were given so that women and children in India can recover from a life in slavery.

Thanks for watching!


P.S. You can buy the song (iTunes) here: http://bit.ly/ntHlQQ